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Currency Converter

Currency Converter The following tool will allow you to convert your base currency to another foreign exchange currency (for example, Canadian CAD to American USD). Note that exchange rates are updated daily, and a standard banking operation will retain a small percentage of the conversion as a fee, so the result may vary depending on the financial institution and the amount being converted. Typically, higher amounts will take smaller fees, so it is more profitable for consumers to convert bigger amounts at a time, such as $1,000.00 or more, when necessary.

Exchange rates updated on April 16, 2024


Exchange rates between popular currencies

Mobile users: you can scroll the table horizontally
Currencies: Australian Dollar
British Pound Sterling
Canadian Dollar
Hong Kong Dollar
Japanese Yen
Mexican Peso
Swiss Franc
United States Dollar
Australian Dollar
1 0.516 0.887 0.604 5.027 99.274 10.925 0.585 0.642
British Pound Sterling
1.937 1 1.718 1.17 9.737 192.311 21.163 1.134 1.243
Canadian Dollar
1.128 0.582 1 0.681 5.669 111.961 12.321 0.66 0.724
1.656 0.855 1.468 1 8.324 164.402 18.092 0.97 1.063
Hong Kong Dollar
0.199 0.103 0.176 0.12 1 19.75 2.173 0.116 0.128
Japanese Yen
0.01 0.005 0.009 0.006 0.051 1 0.11 0.006 0.006
Mexican Peso
0.092 0.047 0.081 0.055 0.46 9.087 1 0.054 0.059
Swiss Franc
1.708 0.882 1.514 1.031 8.585 169.559 18.659 1 1.096
United States Dollar
1.558 0.804 1.382 0.941 7.832 154.685 17.023 0.912 1
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